My Bags Again

My grocery bags were featured on The Fat Squirrel Speaks (seriously, the whole vlog cracked me up) and I sold out again.  If you are looking for more bags I’ve restocked the store and I’ll be adding a new graphic too (It’s green with a goose!).  I just found those sacks in my pile of barn stuff and the Mr was amazing and cut them up for me to sew.  You all know what I’ll be doing this weekend!  I want to add (since this has already been brought up more than once) if you get your hands on a particular plastic feed bag (say Rabbit Chow) I would totally do a custom bag for you.  It would cost the same you’d just have to ship it to me. So yeah.  There’s that 🙂

5 thoughts on “My Bags Again

  1. love your bags. just saw them on Fat Squirrel Speaks podcast. will keep my eye on your esty shop for when you have new bags to purchase.

  2. got my bags today… gotta buy more for the raffle table at guild!! Wow, the goat bag is H-U-G-E !!! All three whippets tried to crawl into it… wow, they said, what the heck does THIS smell like? What IS that!!???!!

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